Sunday, May 27, 2012

also.... super informative video from the great Farrow & Ball... enjoy!

and now, off for a lovely stroll this evening!

j'adore Paris!

although almost six months since the trip... better late than never!

All images copyright 2012 Jordan Mills.  Please cite if borrowed. :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Speaking of learning French...

This video from EF is so cute that I thought I would share it!

EF - Live The Language - Paris from Albin Holmqvist on Vimeo.

A bientôt Paris!

Exciting, exciting, exciting!  For my birthday, Patrick surprised me with a trip this winter to Paris!  So I've been searching for what to do and where to go and stumbled upon this video which is absolutely romantic and I hope is the essence of Paris.


Now, only four and half more months to learn french!  Santé!

Book lust list....

I am an avid book fan.  I love the saturated colors of the pages, the feeling of turning page by page, and the sense of accomplishment after finishing a good read.  Design book are especially fun because they  include incredible pictures that never cease to inspire me for days.  Two of my current favorites that I actually own are David Hicks: A life of design by Ashley Hicks and Modern Glamour by Kelly Wearstler.  Living in Style Paris is a close runner up as well.

It seems these days design books are constantly being released which is exciting but also means my wish list keeps growing.  Maybe we all could start a traveling bookclub?  Just a thought...

Designs on Film.  I've flipped through this book and the photos are stunning.

Why Architecture Matters.  So I've read this book but  I don't actually own it and would very much like too.  It presents very compelling theories on architecture... very intriguing!

The World of Department Stores.  So I know most design blogs focus on the home but maybe you've noticed I can't stick only to residential stuff.  I love the way people experience commercial spaces and this book seems amazing.  Must have...

Color Inspirations.  It's from the Colourlovers community...what more needs to be said?

Ralph Lauren. He's obviously brilliant...

Savage Beauty.  Confession:  I didn't get to see this at the Met.  I'm super disappointed about it as well.  McQueen is clearly a genius and the world of fashion and design lost him way too early.  I've looked through this book already and loved it... I can only imagine how incredible it was to see this in person!

Louis Vuitton: Architecture and Interiors.  Not available quite yet... but it looks super delicious!  I know it's going to be amazing.
Dealer's Choice: At Home with Purveyors of Antique and Vintage Furnishings.  Mostly because I love antiques and am hoping this book reveals the best secrets!

Atlas of World Restaurants.  This features hundreds of restaurants from around the world... yes please!

The Great Lady Decorators.  Where it all began...  with a foreword by Bunny Williams...

Quite the list... I know.  I'm working on acquisitions.   What if I admitted this isn't even the entire list?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wallpaper Magazine fun!

So, I finally gave in and created my own cover for the August issue of Wallpaper magazine!  And by gave in, I should clarify... I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to figure out exactly what I wanted.   I had so much fun and can't wait for it to arrive!  Here's the result:

So you may find it to be a bit cheesy (or maybe you like it too).  Many little girls, myself included, spend a lot of childhood talking about the perfect man, the perfect family, and the perfect career.  Anyone who knows me well also knows I don't especially love such a traditional idea of life.  Most ladies, myself included again, know that the fairy tale just isn't so and completely for the better!  Happily ever after isn't just for princesses and handsomely toads.  These days, we're all creating our own version of happily ever after.

Well, I've been a little crazed lately thinking about the future and what it means to me (you know, making sure I'm living up to expectations).  I tend to get very caught up in making sure I'm achieving and always progressing forward.  I've always had all these plans for exactly how life should be for me...  haha, and as life teaches most, it has taught me plans may be fun to dream up but rarely do plans make it all the way.  Ups and downs, twists and turns are everywhere.  And that's completely ok. I suppose it is what also keeps things exciting.   So indulge me if you will... and here's to happily ever after!!  

(I think this magazine may lay on my coffee table permanently as a daily reminder that any sort of future can be my happily ever after...)

Monday, May 16, 2011

aaanndd... We're Back!

So life has been moving at a much faster pace these days and my blogging has fallen behind.. and I deeply miss it.  So here's to spring showing up in Boston (hopefully) and me back to sharing things I love.  First up for today, a video directed by Alex Profit entitled Around the World in 2000 Pictures.  It's phenomenal!  If you're itching for an adventure, this just might hold you over until you have the time to actually get away.  Enjoy!

Around the world in 2000 pictures from alex profit on Vimeo.

See more of the artist on his personal site here.  Happy Monday, everyone!