Thursday, December 16, 2010

Our Christmas Tree

So, this semester has been long and there have been moments I thought I may not survive my first semester of design school.  Needless to say, the Christmas spirit bug didn't bite as hard as he usually does and I've been feeling pretty down on account of my lack of cheer for the holiday season.  My wonderful boyfriend took notice of this and last weekend surprised me with a Christmas tree!  A live one at that!  I rushed off to Pier 1 so we could adorn our tree in cute and whimsical ornaments.  Our apartment feels alive with Christmas spirit now and it was the most perfect surprise for the season.  Thank you very much, Patrick!

Our tree lit up in its corner 

 One of my favorite ornaments... love birds!  
(From Pier 1)

 Another favorite ornament 
(also from Pier 1)

 Cute polar bear ornament!  
(from Anthropologie)

And a homemade decoration for the front door 
(bow ornament from Pier 1)

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