Thursday, March 31, 2011

Landry & Arcari Rugs!

Last Thursday night, I had the privilege of attending the ASID New England Gala which honored several design industry leaders.  One of which was Jerry Arcari of Landry & Arcari.  His acceptance speech for the award so warm and heartfelt that I knew instantly he was someone not only to admire for what he has made of himself but also who he is as a person, both businessman and family man.  I didn't have the opportunity to introduce myself or to rack his brain about how to pick the perfect rug but perhaps I will have to make a special trip to their store to seek him out.

Over the past week, I've scoured their site picking my favorite rugs that I wish I could have (although until we move, I'm not sure where we'd put them).  They have a such a gorgeous selection that it was hard to narrow down the list (I was shooting for my top five, but these eight I couldn't choose between!).  If you're in the New England area, I would suggest a stop at Landry & Arcari if you need any inspiration regarding rug options... or inspiration in general, these works of art are beautiful!

One last thing, I know for myself I like to make sure that when I buy from somewhere that the company has integrity and excellent morals within their practices.  I can say hands down that Landry & Arcari cares for their product as much as the people making the incredible rugs they sell.  See for yourself here.

Congratulations, Mr. Arcari!  You are an inspiration within your community and industry!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A hotel for setting the mood!

Check out this awesome hotel in Beijing!  It the Hotel G in the Chao Yang District.

That's exterior and every room comes with its own system for programming the color of your window with your mood.  How exciting!  I can only hope mine would reveal a pink window... or perhaps blue might be more my style.

As striking as the outside is, the interior is very chic and has left behind anything thing you might have predicted for a Chinese hotel.  No red silk curtains here!  Take a look below!

Hello orange lobby lamps... don't you want to move into my house?  I know just where I would put you... next to a few chairs that would make you feel very welcome!

 Love love love the leather bench and wallpaper in this one!

I adore the dark blue panels along the guest room wall above.  It feels so romantic (and actually reminiscent of Carrie and Big's place in SATC2.)

Happy Tuesday!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Unplanned hiatus... over!

So as you may have noticed, I have been quite a slacker when it comes to my blog for the past week and a half.  We will call it a small hiatus.  I left town for NYC to enjoy the Architectural Digest Home Show and then braved the snow and rain on Monday while Patrick had surgery (no worries, all is well!).  So the past few days have been spent caring for my lover and spending quality time with his mother, who has been a God-send the entire time.  She had to head back to Wisconsin yesterday and now things are a bit quieter (although she is much missed).  So, thank you, Mrs. Campbell, for everything you did for us while you were here!

As my spring break comes to a close (can't I have one more week?), things will get back to normal!  I promise!

By the way, spring showed up in Boston last Friday by giving us a whopping 70 degrees outside with the beautiful sunshine to enjoy.  Where did you go?  Snow today?  Are you sure that's our best option?  Because all I'm dreaming of is warm, sunny days...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

DIFFA Dining by Design Exhibition

This past weekend, I went to the Architectural Digest Home Show in NYC and enjoyed the absolutely thrilling DIFFA Dining by Design Exhibition.  Each one of the tablescapes were thoroughly thought out and beautifully executed.  It was very exciting as a young designer to see such abounding creativity from so many of the industry's top designers.  Thank you, designers, for the wonderful inspiration!

A few photos from the event!

There were many, many more incredible designs that I didn't get to snap pictures of (so many people were there!).  If you didn't make it this year, you should definitely make plans for next year!

P.S. I owe my friend, Jenzy, a huge shout out for not only letting Lauren and me crash at her super cute apartment all weekend but also for walking the show for many, many hours with a beautiful smile on her face (she's not so interested in design although she has great taste)! Thank you, Jenzy!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sustainable home in Cape Cod!

I stumbled upon the Truro Home in Cape Cod while perusing the internet and wanted to share it with you all.  It's amazing!  I especially love all of the windows.  I can never get enough natural light or take in too many beautiful views!

The source link will take you to the original site which also features ways you can update your home with energy saving tips!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Restaurant Week Boston!

Restaurant Week is in full swing here in chilly Boston!  Patrick and I started the celebration tonight at Sportello, an incredibly cute Italian diner which is part of the Barbara Lynch Gruppo.  It did not disappoint!  The service was excellent as was the food.  It's in the South End of Boston by the ICA so if you get a chance to go there, you won't regret it.

More than just the food and service, I also loved the atmosphere!  It's a simple diner set up with mostly bar seating around the exposed kitchen.  The colors are brown and white and nicely carried through out the entire restaurant from the floors to the ceiling.  It felt casual and trendy which is my favorite feeling in a restaurant.

Compliments to the Chef and Staff at Sportello!  I can't wait to go again!

Photo from Zagat

Monday, March 7, 2011

One of my newest favorite books!

This weekend, I finally got my own copy of David Hicks: A Life of Design!!  (Thank you, Patrick!)  Every time I flip through the pages, it's as exciting as the very first time I looked through it at Barnes and Noble sometime last December.  It's absolutely fabulous!

The author, Ashley Hicks (son of David), does an amazing job with the stories and anecdotes in the book and the photos included are incredibly inspirational.  I can't look through it without feeling overwhelming anticipation for my career.  I'll probably have the book memorized within the next few months if I continue to spend as much time as I have with it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Where to go next?

Patrick and I have been playing with idea of moving abroad for quite some time.  Where?  We're not totally sure yet as we need jobs and such.  But today is one of those days that I'm seriously dreaming of being somewhere else.  I have a need to explore a new place right now.  I suppose I could discover a new part of Boston... but aren't these pictures sooo tempting?