Thursday, March 31, 2011

Landry & Arcari Rugs!

Last Thursday night, I had the privilege of attending the ASID New England Gala which honored several design industry leaders.  One of which was Jerry Arcari of Landry & Arcari.  His acceptance speech for the award so warm and heartfelt that I knew instantly he was someone not only to admire for what he has made of himself but also who he is as a person, both businessman and family man.  I didn't have the opportunity to introduce myself or to rack his brain about how to pick the perfect rug but perhaps I will have to make a special trip to their store to seek him out.

Over the past week, I've scoured their site picking my favorite rugs that I wish I could have (although until we move, I'm not sure where we'd put them).  They have a such a gorgeous selection that it was hard to narrow down the list (I was shooting for my top five, but these eight I couldn't choose between!).  If you're in the New England area, I would suggest a stop at Landry & Arcari if you need any inspiration regarding rug options... or inspiration in general, these works of art are beautiful!

One last thing, I know for myself I like to make sure that when I buy from somewhere that the company has integrity and excellent morals within their practices.  I can say hands down that Landry & Arcari cares for their product as much as the people making the incredible rugs they sell.  See for yourself here.

Congratulations, Mr. Arcari!  You are an inspiration within your community and industry!

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