Thursday, March 24, 2011

Unplanned hiatus... over!

So as you may have noticed, I have been quite a slacker when it comes to my blog for the past week and a half.  We will call it a small hiatus.  I left town for NYC to enjoy the Architectural Digest Home Show and then braved the snow and rain on Monday while Patrick had surgery (no worries, all is well!).  So the past few days have been spent caring for my lover and spending quality time with his mother, who has been a God-send the entire time.  She had to head back to Wisconsin yesterday and now things are a bit quieter (although she is much missed).  So, thank you, Mrs. Campbell, for everything you did for us while you were here!

As my spring break comes to a close (can't I have one more week?), things will get back to normal!  I promise!

By the way, spring showed up in Boston last Friday by giving us a whopping 70 degrees outside with the beautiful sunshine to enjoy.  Where did you go?  Snow today?  Are you sure that's our best option?  Because all I'm dreaming of is warm, sunny days...

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