Friday, April 1, 2011

A little bit of country...

Yesterday, Eric, my friend (that I also intern for), took me to Lexington to meet with a contractor.  After the meeting, he took me on an adventure to Wilson Farms and let's just say, I loved it!  The place is popping with colors from plants, fruits, vegetables, pastries, and desserts that look like they might induce sugar comas.  It was such a delightful treat on such a gloomy day (which we in Boston know led to snow all April!).  Needless to say, I was overjoyed while walking through the greenhouse filled with beautiful flowers and plants as well as the main marketplace.  Like the nerd I am, I took pictures!  If you are in New England and have the time, you should definitely stop by.  I hear in the fall they have hayrides and other fun activities.

 Even the bowl is edible!
Yummy!  I love fruit tarts!

 Aren't these orchids gorgeous?!?

I, of course, didn't leave empty handed.  I took home rosemary ciabatta bread, cherry tomatoes, an energy trail mix, and fancy cheese.  Eric treated me to cranberry orange mini muffins and apple cider donuts... yes, they're as good as they sound!

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