Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Speaking of learning French...

This video from EF is so cute that I thought I would share it!

EF - Live The Language - Paris from Albin Holmqvist on Vimeo.

A bientôt Paris!

Exciting, exciting, exciting!  For my birthday, Patrick surprised me with a trip this winter to Paris!  So I've been searching for what to do and where to go and stumbled upon this video which is absolutely romantic and I hope is the essence of Paris.


Now, only four and half more months to learn french!  Santé!

Book lust list....

I am an avid book fan.  I love the saturated colors of the pages, the feeling of turning page by page, and the sense of accomplishment after finishing a good read.  Design book are especially fun because they  include incredible pictures that never cease to inspire me for days.  Two of my current favorites that I actually own are David Hicks: A life of design by Ashley Hicks and Modern Glamour by Kelly Wearstler.  Living in Style Paris is a close runner up as well.

It seems these days design books are constantly being released which is exciting but also means my wish list keeps growing.  Maybe we all could start a traveling bookclub?  Just a thought...

Designs on Film.  I've flipped through this book and the photos are stunning.

Why Architecture Matters.  So I've read this book but  I don't actually own it and would very much like too.  It presents very compelling theories on architecture... very intriguing!

The World of Department Stores.  So I know most design blogs focus on the home but maybe you've noticed I can't stick only to residential stuff.  I love the way people experience commercial spaces and this book seems amazing.  Must have...

Color Inspirations.  It's from the Colourlovers community...what more needs to be said?

Ralph Lauren. He's obviously brilliant...

Savage Beauty.  Confession:  I didn't get to see this at the Met.  I'm super disappointed about it as well.  McQueen is clearly a genius and the world of fashion and design lost him way too early.  I've looked through this book already and loved it... I can only imagine how incredible it was to see this in person!

Louis Vuitton: Architecture and Interiors.  Not available quite yet... but it looks super delicious!  I know it's going to be amazing.
Dealer's Choice: At Home with Purveyors of Antique and Vintage Furnishings.  Mostly because I love antiques and am hoping this book reveals the best secrets!

Atlas of World Restaurants.  This features hundreds of restaurants from around the world... yes please!

The Great Lady Decorators.  Where it all began...  with a foreword by Bunny Williams...

Quite the list... I know.  I'm working on acquisitions.   What if I admitted this isn't even the entire list?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wallpaper Magazine fun!

So, I finally gave in and created my own cover for the August issue of Wallpaper magazine!  And by gave in, I should clarify... I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to figure out exactly what I wanted.   I had so much fun and can't wait for it to arrive!  Here's the result:

So you may find it to be a bit cheesy (or maybe you like it too).  Many little girls, myself included, spend a lot of childhood talking about the perfect man, the perfect family, and the perfect career.  Anyone who knows me well also knows I don't especially love such a traditional idea of life.  Most ladies, myself included again, know that the fairy tale just isn't so and completely for the better!  Happily ever after isn't just for princesses and handsomely toads.  These days, we're all creating our own version of happily ever after.

Well, I've been a little crazed lately thinking about the future and what it means to me (you know, making sure I'm living up to expectations).  I tend to get very caught up in making sure I'm achieving and always progressing forward.  I've always had all these plans for exactly how life should be for me...  haha, and as life teaches most, it has taught me plans may be fun to dream up but rarely do plans make it all the way.  Ups and downs, twists and turns are everywhere.  And that's completely ok. I suppose it is what also keeps things exciting.   So indulge me if you will... and here's to happily ever after!!  

(I think this magazine may lay on my coffee table permanently as a daily reminder that any sort of future can be my happily ever after...)

Monday, May 16, 2011

aaanndd... We're Back!

So life has been moving at a much faster pace these days and my blogging has fallen behind.. and I deeply miss it.  So here's to spring showing up in Boston (hopefully) and me back to sharing things I love.  First up for today, a video directed by Alex Profit entitled Around the World in 2000 Pictures.  It's phenomenal!  If you're itching for an adventure, this just might hold you over until you have the time to actually get away.  Enjoy!

Around the world in 2000 pictures from alex profit on Vimeo.

See more of the artist on his personal site here.  Happy Monday, everyone!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I really like this video and how he explains his view of the New York Apartment House.  Not to mention the man is brillant!

Monday, April 25, 2011

'ello, lads and ladies!

It's officially Royal Wedding week... at least according to TLC and many other media outlets.  So why not start the week with some inspiration from my favorite UK home magazine, LivingEtc.  The magazine is always filled with colorful images, great design advice, and the trendiest products.  Even better, their blog: Life.Style.etc! Below are some images from their house tours which never fail to impress and inspire!










Click any of the source links to see more pictures of the homes!

I tried resisting but I have to admit that I'm kind of enamored by the excitement of the royal wedding.  Kate has impeccable style so there are high, high hopes for the wedding dress.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's that time again!

With finals approaching quickly, my semester long projects are coming to a close.  I'm going to try to share everything with everyone but it may take a little while to pull it all together.

Just to give you an idea of what I've been up to, here are the project desciptions and what to look forward to:
1.  I am updating a local preschool to be more green for my class, Thinking Green.  Original, huh?  Anyway, it's a fun project and I've enjoyed finding solutions which are better for the little ones' well-beings.  We get to dream big on this one (aka no budget)!

2.  Second, maybe more interesting for everyone, is my residential design class.  As I begin to get ready for presenting, I'll start sharing my inspiration boards for each room (which may have some things you've already seen on here!).  Hopefully they'll be something for everyone to enjoy!

For now, I must finish my art history paper... anyone full of information about Art & Language?

P.S.- Any one have magical powers and want to bring the sun back to Boston?  We've been waiting forever for spring to officially show up...

Dining Room Design Ideas?

Check out the adorable dining rooms in this web video from Livingetc.  They're so cute!  Not to mention the video come with simple yet perfect advice for the updating your space!

Any you'd like to try?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Worthy Wallpaper

Elizabeth, Peacock on Shimmer

I absolutely love this pattern of wallpaper.   Something about it is so appealing yet it isn't overwhelming or stuffy feeling.  It's called Elizabeth and the color is Peacock on Shimmer.    The company that makes it is Madison and Grow and they take wallpaper very seriously.  They handprint all of their products with water based ink and their process is VOC free!  If you're in the market for some wallpaper, check out their site here (even if you're not in the market today, you'll still have fun browsing their site).  It's full of such cute patterns and great color combinations.

More pics below of other colors and designs they make!

Elizabeth, Moonbeam on Cream

Elizabeth, Frosted Heather

Madison, Iced Mocha

Maggie, Shimmering Dune Grass

Michelle, Smoked Bluefish Pate

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Busy week... in the best way!

It's a busy and super exciting week in the interior design community this week and I wanted to share a few things with everyone.

First, hopefully you've gotten to check out TradHome, a new online interior design magazine.  It's the collaboration effort of Tradtional Home and LonnyMag.  If you haven't, you should make time for it.  It's a lot of fun!  I always think that I won't like online magazines because there is nothing like the glossy pages and pictures of an actual magazine.  But, TradHome has articles with videos...  it's awesome!  Click here to see for yourself.

Also, Traditional Home magazine May issue came out on Tuesday (big day for them!).  It is also worth taking a flip or two (or three) through.  It has many fabulous spreads.  One of my favorites so far is the New + Next article.  It's filled to the brim with fun and inspiring images and articles.  And my ElleDecor came in the mail!!  Woohoo!  So much to look through and read!

Finally, High Gloss magazine is giving away an Iomoi tote bag!  Click here to enter!  I love these tote bags and the extra large is exactly the size I need to get me through the day!  They have so many fun graphics to choose from and different ways to personalize that you really can't go wrong with these.  Can't wait to win one?  Visit Iomoi's website here to find one to call your own.  (Contest ends Tuesday, April 19, so don't forget!)


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Before I die, I want to...

Before I die, I want to experience everything I possibly can.

Artist Candy Chang recently took an old, abandoned house in New Orleans and turned it into a true work of art.  Not only is it interesting and intriguing, it's 100% inspirational!  In the pictures, you'll see the wall which she stenciled for seven hours the phrase "before I die, I want to _______."  People from all over have come and put their own aspirations, dreams, and thoughts onto this work.




I always love artists who are able to create works for the public which are engaging for those who want to participate but also appealing for those who rather stand by and watch.  I love the idea!!  Any chance, Candy, you would be willing to bring this to Boston??  Just a thought...

What would you write if you passed by?

Visit Ms. Chang's website here to see more pictures and for more information on this and other projects. It looks like she has some very exciting work coming up!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Let's just say...

I'm head over heels for the South End!  Yesterday, Patrick and I ventured down to the South End to explore the neighborhood as we're trying to find a new apartment to call home.  We started with lunch at Flour on Washington Street which was super delicious, as always.  Then we just strolled the streets and found so many cute shops and friendly people.

A few of our stops:

Grey's Fabric and Notions


The store owner is Sarah and she is incredibly friendly!  The shop has different fabrics and such for sale (hints the name!) and also offers classes.  You can see their schedule here.  As I've never worked a sewing machine before, I can't wait to take one!  Basic training here I come!

Another stop: Diseno Boston.  Ah-mazing home furnishings store!  The owner of this store is Frank who is also very personable (is this a South End thing? If so, count me in!).  He has gorgeous fur and hide rugs, sophisticated decorative accents, super chic furniture and more.  I really loved a metallic leather rug that I would love to give a nice new home... with me, of course!

This store is full of fun inspiration for any project.  I think there is literally something there for everyone and every style.

Last and certainly not least: Mohr & McPherson.  I know that people I know in Boston know of this store and have merely been holding out on me.  But I have seen the light!  The store is awesome!  It's full of imported Asian home furnishings and accents as well as some jewelry and personal things.  It's two floors and has a cafe on the bottom floor.

What fun this store was!  The staff there was great and next time I want to try to the cafe.  I had so much fun browsing in this store with so many unique products that would definitely be a great touch to any interior!

Our trip to the South End was an afternoon very well spent.  I can't wait for the SoWa Market to start up and to discover all the other shops in the neighborhood.  I can't believe it took almost an entire year of living here to go exploring but South End is definitely where I would love, love, love to live!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Lovely Lighting from Eco1start!

Why not brighten today with some of the fabulous finds for lighting from Eco1stArt?  For those of you new to it, it's a site devoted to our lovely planet and incredible artists.  Their mantra is "connecting ecologically innovative artists to customers worldwide."  I would argue for adding the words "exceptionally talented" as well because the artists reuse stuff in such an exquisite manner.  Definitely explore the site if you have some time!

Frangipani by Jelle Nijdam
Spoon Lamp by Telma and Claudio

Russian Pot Suspended Light by Jayne Young

Steam Light Desk Lamp by Yael Erel and Avner Ben Natan

Claylight Pendant Cluster by Yael Erel and Avner Ben Natan

Phototroph 'Mesh' Lighting by Dan Hilltop

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Excellent Advice from AD100

This video isn't new but it's one of my favorites to watch.  It's a great primer for people first trying to decorate their place and it's full of great reminders for aspiring interior designers (such as myself!).

I would tell you how many times I've watched it... but maybe somethings are better kept a secret!

Video Link

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hello, birdie!

Call me crazy but I really love birds.  They're just so incredibly adorable; all of them, really, from hummingbirds to owls to pigeons (I don't discriminate).  To wake up hearing them chirp in the morning is so soothing and a fantastic reminder that spring really is coming (for those of you outside of Boston, it snowed here last Thursday night... spring is taking it's dear sweet time).  So, as usual, I was browsing 1stdibs for something wonderful to dream of adding to my collection of things and I happened upon this adorable flock of Chinese birds from Lotus Gallery of Austin, Texas.
Chinese Green Glazed Parrots, Lotus Gallery, 1stdibs

Each one of them has such personality!  I could see them greeting me when I first come in, enjoying a movie with Patrick and me, or perhaps even some face time during dinner conversations.  No matter what, I just know that I really love them!  A perfect touch to welcome spring!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

One last piece from Boca Do Lobo!

Ok, so I couldn't not post this.  It's brilliant!  The piece is called Frank and is based on Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water residence. 

Frank, Boca Do Lobo

How creative is that?!?  Not to mention how glamorous and fun it is!  It's even customizable to be as tall as you like or whatever finishes you prefer.  I'm totally in awe over the genius and creativity that went into this piece.  Bravo, Boca Do Lobo, bravo!

(Click here to visit their site.  I promise you will be impressed!)

Oh, so chic!

A few weeks ago at the Architectural Digest Home Show, I stopped in my tracks upon seeing a booth filled with exquisite furniture.  The booth belonged to Boca Do Lobo, a Portuguese furniture company that specializes in absolutely divine pieces that evoke emotion and passion for furniture.

Well, I can't stop thinking about their Mondrian sideboard.  I'm so in love with it from the fun way the drawers are placed all the way to the materials used to create such a chic, modern, and elegant look.  I really feel like the sideboard could fit in so many rooms because of its classic design while still inspiring everyone who sees it because of its imaginative finish.

Mondrian Sideboard, Boca Do Lobo

This is only the beginning.  They have so many truly amazing designs!  If you want to see more, visit their site, here.  You can also find some of their work on Fyndes as well.  One more piece that's totally to die for... Diamond Sideboard.

Diamond Sideboard, Boca Do Lobo

How incredible/wonderful/beautiful/gorgeous you are!  I got to see this piece at the show as well and it's breathtaking.  It can be customized in color as well.  I bet in a black laquer it would be divine!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Vintage Fun!

Over at One Kings Lane, they're having a sale (well, technically they're always have a sale) on vintage maps.  I want a vintage map to hang in my dream apartment desperately!  I would love the Paris city map or the London city map.  And while I'm dreaming, an antique buffet would pair perfectly with the map.

Antique Burled Elm Buffet

Patrick and I are officially apartment hunting in Boston, so if you know of a super wonderful place, share your info this way!

Friday, April 1, 2011

A little bit of country...

Yesterday, Eric, my friend (that I also intern for), took me to Lexington to meet with a contractor.  After the meeting, he took me on an adventure to Wilson Farms and let's just say, I loved it!  The place is popping with colors from plants, fruits, vegetables, pastries, and desserts that look like they might induce sugar comas.  It was such a delightful treat on such a gloomy day (which we in Boston know led to snow all night...in April!).  Needless to say, I was overjoyed while walking through the greenhouse filled with beautiful flowers and plants as well as the main marketplace.  Like the nerd I am, I took pictures!  If you are in New England and have the time, you should definitely stop by.  I hear in the fall they have hayrides and other fun activities.

 Even the bowl is edible!
Yummy!  I love fruit tarts!

 Aren't these orchids gorgeous?!?

I, of course, didn't leave empty handed.  I took home rosemary ciabatta bread, cherry tomatoes, an energy trail mix, and fancy cheese.  Eric treated me to cranberry orange mini muffins and apple cider donuts... yes, they're as good as they sound!