Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It's that time again!

With finals approaching quickly, my semester long projects are coming to a close.  I'm going to try to share everything with everyone but it may take a little while to pull it all together.

Just to give you an idea of what I've been up to, here are the project desciptions and what to look forward to:
1.  I am updating a local preschool to be more green for my class, Thinking Green.  Original, huh?  Anyway, it's a fun project and I've enjoyed finding solutions which are better for the little ones' well-beings.  We get to dream big on this one (aka no budget)!

2.  Second, maybe more interesting for everyone, is my residential design class.  As I begin to get ready for presenting, I'll start sharing my inspiration boards for each room (which may have some things you've already seen on here!).  Hopefully they'll be something for everyone to enjoy!

For now, I must finish my art history paper... anyone full of information about Art & Language?

P.S.- Any one have magical powers and want to bring the sun back to Boston?  We've been waiting forever for spring to officially show up...

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