Friday, April 8, 2011

Lovely Lighting from Eco1start!

Why not brighten today with some of the fabulous finds for lighting from Eco1stArt?  For those of you new to it, it's a site devoted to our lovely planet and incredible artists.  Their mantra is "connecting ecologically innovative artists to customers worldwide."  I would argue for adding the words "exceptionally talented" as well because the artists reuse stuff in such an exquisite manner.  Definitely explore the site if you have some time!

Frangipani by Jelle Nijdam
Spoon Lamp by Telma and Claudio

Russian Pot Suspended Light by Jayne Young

Steam Light Desk Lamp by Yael Erel and Avner Ben Natan

Claylight Pendant Cluster by Yael Erel and Avner Ben Natan

Phototroph 'Mesh' Lighting by Dan Hilltop

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